Born Free

Write to Your MP Calling for a Close Season for Hare Shooting

Born Free is calling on the UK government to provide legal protection for hares during their breeding season.

In Scotland and across most of Europe, hares are protected against shooting and deliberate killing during their breeding season, which typically runs from February to September. 

However, in England and Wales hares enjoy no such legal protection and can be shot for sport all year round. Most shoots take place in February and March, when females are already pregnant or nursing dependent young.

The shooting of hares during the breeding season results in the loss of breeding females and death of dependent young (leverets) through starvation. Countless animals suffer and die as a consequence.

Please help by writing to your MP and asking for them to call on the government to introduce a 'close season', to ban the shooting of hares in England and Wales during their breeding season.

Fill out your details, including your postcode so we can check who your local MP is, then click 'Next' to preview and edit your letter.

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