Born Free

Write to Your MP Calling for a Review of UK Zoo Legislation

Born Free is calling on the UK government to urgently review zoo legislation amid concerns for the welfare of the many thousands of animals currently housed in the more than 300 licensed zoos in operation across the UK. Any legislative changes should ensure stricter implementation of and compliance with licensing requirements and accompanying Standards, while ensuring greater transparency by the zoo industry and the phasing out of species which are particularly unsuited to being kept in zoos.  

Join us in campaigning for change by writing to your MP. Politely but firmly ask them to support Born Free’s call for a comprehensive review of the Zoo Licensing Act 1981. Specifically, Born Free is calling on the UK government to amend the Act to: 

  • Make strict compliance with the Standards of Modern Zoo Practice mandatory.  

  • Urgently review the current licensing and inspection process. 

  • Phase out the keeping of species whose welfare is particularly compromised in captivity (including great apes, elephants, giraffes, polar bears and big cats).  

  • Improve transparency of zoo operations, including annual in situ conservation contributions, the role of species in their collections and details on animal escapes and causes of death. 

Please fill out your details and click the 'next' button to preview and edit your letter to your MP. 

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